09 October 2016
Year 7 complete their Student Led Conferences

Congratulations to our Year 7 students on completion of their Student Led Conferences late last term. Students had the opportunity to showcase their learning so far this year to their parents and/or family members, invited guests and MYBennies teacher in a 20 minute presentation, led by the student themselves. It has been wonderful to watch the Year 7 students demonstrate their growth, using a portfolio of work samples from across their subjects, including their MYBennies classes.
The MYBennies learning program has been developed as an integrated course involving the subjects of Religious Education, English, PDHPE, Technology Mandatory, Geography, History and Drama. During their Student Led Conference students were asked to reflect on their development of six 21st century skills;
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Communication
- Creativity and problem-solving
- Critical thinking, information and media literacy
- Global Citizenship
- Independence in learning
The Student Led Conference is one of the initiatives introduced in the College last year to support the MYBennies (Middle Years) Innovation Project. The positive feedback received from parents, students and teachers in 2015 prompted the College to offer this opportunity again this year.