27 July 2017
Taking Charge of their Learning

Taking Charge of their Learning
The importance of studying history as a contemporary subject was a hot topic when senior students welcomed well-known author, journalist and head of the Australian Republican Movement, Peter FitzSimons.
Peter enthralled senior students from Year 12 History Extension, Year 12 Modern History and Year 11 Society and Culture with his views on history in the current world context and connecting the past to the present through his stories.
The visit came about when Year 11 Society and Culture students took charge of their learning, identifying a range of experts they would like to speak to about holistic viewpoints on the Australian political landscape and how history plays a role in this. Peter FitzSimons and Sir Peter Cosgrove, Australia’s Governor-General were at the top of their list.
The girls were thrilled when Sir Peter Cosgrove joined them earlier in the year via video-conference to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Governor-General.
Head of History at Mount St Benedict College, Mrs Lela Vukovic said her students were grateful for the opportunity to connect with, and have their questions heard by contemporary experts, “making and engaging with History is so relevant for all our students most especially in our current climate.”
Year 11 Society and Culture student, Jaime Dunn welcomed the opportunity to connect with prominent Australians and extend their learning.
“We were eager to ask Peter FitzSimons a number of questions concerning the future of Australia, especially regarding our part in the Commonwealth. Hearing from both Sir Peter Cosgrove and Peter FitzSimons has allowed us to form our own opinions surrounding the republican debate in Australia.”