Sporting Achievements

Our athletes have been successful in their chosen fields both in and out of school.

Congratulations to cricketer Kate Barry (Year 9) who was featured in an article in the Hornsby Advocate last week ( - select Hornsby Advocate 5FEB and go to page 63)

The NSW State Junior and Youth Athletics Championships were held recently with the following athletes gaining selection into the NSW Junior Athletics Team that will compete at the Australian Junior and Youth Championships in March after top two finishes - Katie (Year 8) 1st U16 100m, Elly (Year 10) 2nd U17 2000m Steeple Chase, Carla Takchi (Year 12) 2nd U20 Hurdles. Ex MSB students Becky Clark and Maddy Bergfield also gained selection.

Photo courtesy of the Hornsby Advocate