22 July 2015
Robot engages girls in STEM

The College was privileged this week to be visited by Nao, a 58-cm tall humanoid robot. He is small, cute and round. You can't help but love him! He moves, recognises you, hears you and even talks to you!
The Nao robot is being taken up by schools across Australia as an interactive, educational and easily implemented tool to engage students. Interactive and fully programmable, Nao is the most widely used humanoid robot for learning Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Thanks to its many capabilities, intuitive software and dedicated hands-on exercises, Nao is the ideal platform to attract students to the sciences and teach them.
Staff and students at Mount St Benedict College spent time getting to know Nao as the College explores options to engage girls in the area of programming and robotics. Students interacted with Nao during a lunchtime getting him to sing and dance to the group. Some students tried their hand at simple programming and demonstrated how easy this new technology is.
Staff and students were fortunate to be able to see first-hand the steps that robotics within education have taken in the last few years.
MSB students currently take a robotics unit in Year 10 as part of the subject - Information Software Technology.
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