31 July 2015
Positive Education

The College has adopted a whole school approach to Positive Education and a number of initiatives have been introduced.
Positive Education incorporates the teaching and modelling to all members of the community in finding and utilising our strengths to find solutions and the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences in all areas of the College. Positive Education not only helps the individual and community to develop resilience but enables them to thrive and flourish.
The Collegeâs Information Resource Centre (IRC) has offered a number of activities throughout 2015.
Mindfulness Colouring:
Working with your hands is one of the best ways to soothe anxiety and eliminate stress as the colouring in prompts you to meditate on your artwork as you mindfully and creatively fill pages with colour. The IRC staff have been placing sheets of colouring in for the girls to complete each week to draw on their creativity and support the girls in developing peace and calm.
Maker Space Monday - Creativity in action:
Many libraries both public, university and school have been introducing a 'Maker Space'. Maker spaces are collaborative learning environments where people come together to share materials and information, and to learn new skills. Maker spaces are not defined by a specific set of material or spaces, but rather a mindset of community partnership, collaboration and creation.
The IRC have introduced Maker Monday at lunchtime where students can come together and try new things. All students are welcome to become involved in the many and varied activities occurring at this time.
Wellbeing IRC Collection of Information Resources:
The IRC staff have collated and are continuing to purchase a range of resources supporting student wellbeing. These resources recognise the importance of maintaining healthy relationships and having a responsible lifestyle. A permanent display of these resources has been created and students are welcome to borrow these resources throughout the year. To further support the staff of the College in their professional learning in Positive Education, Bennies
LibGuide has been created with a range of online resources which staff and parents may access to discover more about positive education