06 May 2016
MYBennies project comes to life

Last year, Jasmine Rheinberger (Year 8) focused on supporting one of MSB's House Partners, the Good Samaritan Kinder School in the Philippines. This was part of the Year 7 MYBennies subject unit, 'MYChoice' where students were encouraged to focus on something they were passionate about.
Jasmine contacted Sr Leonie, the principal of the school, and asked how we could support the work of the sisters and as a result, organised to donate MSB laptops to help their teaching staff. This week, she was able to hand over the laptops to Sr Leonie who was very grateful for our support. Jasmine was very excited to see her project come to life.
She is pictured below with Sr Leonie and the three Year 11 girls who will be visiting the Kinder School later in the year for the Good Samaritan Immersion.
Jasmine is featured in the Good Samaritan Sisters' e-magazine (May edition) The Good Oil. Read the full story here.